Many skin lesions that are not cancerous often need surgical management.  Dr. Mott offers his surgical expertise for removing benign growths such as unwanted moles, cysts, lipomas or other unwanted or symptomatic skin lesions.  These are best managed with simple excisional  surgery under local anesthesia.  Certain small skin cancers in non-critical areas that do not require Mohs surgery are often managed with excisional surgery.  The majority of invasive melanomas are managed with a surgery called wide local excision.  This is because melanomas over a certain depth of invasion have a risk of the cells breaking free and spreading into the surrounding tissue.  This requires taking an additional margin of healthy-appearing skin that has been calculated based upon the depth of invasion (Breslow depth), and reduces the risk of recurrence.
Dr. Mott is also able to perform biopsies of skin lesions that involve cosmetically sensitive areas in which a diagnosis is needed while minimizing the visible scar.
Skin Excisions
- Moles
- Cysts
- Lipomas
- Birth marks
- Skin cancers
- Melanoma(wide local excision)